Argh, it's Monday already! I totally lost track of time yesterday and forgot to write my second blog post! At the moment I'm working on a small post-apocalyptic scene inspired by "The Last of US".
I really love an atmosphere where the nature is taking back it's territory. Here you can see the small setup I have so far, I did some lighting and added placeholder trees and blocks to get a good feeling of depth in the environment but also where all the assets are going to be placed.
Placeholders are (in my opinion) crucial to get a good sense how the environment is going to be filled in. It also helps to find a proper point of view to make your screenshots from so you have the one with the most visual interest.
Do not forget to check out the March-special about the Last of US at Gameinformer. They have very interesting interviews concerning the game development internally at Naughty Dog but also how they got the idea behind "The Last of Us".
That is it for my personal work for now. I am also going to show off the work of an environment artist that inspired me a lot. Most game-artist would recognize his name, Kevin Johnstone, currently he is a fulltime environment artist at Epic games. He has worked on Unreal Tournament 3 and the Gears of War series. These games inspired me personally to get into the games industry since these environments are highly detailed and full of life.
His work on Gears of War 3 & Gears of war 2:
On Polycount he also showed some very efficient texture re-use for his environment pieces. It's very inspiring and you'll realize how much you can actually re-use to save UV space.
Gears of War 3 art dump:
Last week I also received the Gears of War 3 art book which I highly recommend. It has the most wonderful concept-art and 3D work stored in there. Although it's more aimed towards concept-art, it's still very inspiring and has enough eye candy for any artist. You can get it at Ballistic Publishing' their website.
Thanks for your time and please share the blog with other artist and friends!
Stefan Groenewoud
Junior 3D-artist
I do not own the rights concerning the work of Kevin Johnstone, I am just sharing my thoughts and interesting artwork to other artist out there.
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