Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Hunting for a junior position

As an entry-level 3D artist it has become a bit hard for me to land a job. You probably can imagine that it's very depressing for a beginning artist if you get rejected by companies for without a reason or you won't get any feedback after some art-tests. So at least I know what I should be improving to become a better artist. And if a company would give me a chance for an art test, they say "if you have any questions you can always contact us" but I found out the hard way it doesn't always work out like that. If a briefing is very vaguely described it's a bit hard to follow up to the expectations of the company. I didn't get any replies after I asked questions about a certain art-test but I've already lost 2 days out of my 7 days art test.

At the moment I'm just a bit sick of the games industry, on the one hand other artists say I have a decent portfolio and on the other hand companies don't even seem to bother and have a look at my work. I'm really having doubts if I should continue to pursue this "dream" I had for a long time. I mean, how can I improve if I don't get any feedback?

I've always tried to be nice and tread all these companies with respect since it's a small world. But it doesn't seem to pay off for me any time.


Stefan Groenewoud

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Dressing the bar interior

Hey all,

It has been two weeks already since I've posted the last blog post! I just have a quick update for you guys about my post apoca scene. Filling up the bar took a bit longer because I was experimenting with several ways to light up the interior. I got inspired by a book I'm reading about setting up proper lighting setups in 3D-rendering (mainly focused on Mental Ray or other non real-time rendering) but it's very helpful, for me at least. It goes from the basic lighting tools all the fancy light baking processes with GI. So for environment and lighting artists this can be quite helpful too.

Anyways, for now I'll call the bar interior done. I'll revisit the bar later when the exterior is more dressed up too.

That's it for now if you have feedback, don't hesitate to contact me! I think I'm going to play Counter Strike Global Offensive, just to clear my head for a moment.

Thanks for your time and please share the blog with other artist and friends!

Have a good evening!


Stefan Groenewoud
Junior 3D-artist